Refinance Student Loans: Compare Top Lenders 2024

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Student Loan Refinancing

How to Refinance Your Student Loans

Education in the United States is expensive. With the average cost of tuition surpassing $10,000 per year, a lot of students have found it necessary to take out loans to pay for their education. In fact, about 30% of students take out some form of debt to obtain their degree.

If a student graduates with multiple loans, or even just one loan that has a high-interest rate - they may find it necessary to refinance. This can simplify their financial situation, providing them with one single loan that often has a lower interest rate.

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Ready to Refinance Your Student Loans?

What is student loan refinancing?

Student loan refinancing is when you exchange your current student loan or loans into a single new loan, often with a lower interest rate. This is done through private lenders such as banks, credit unions, or other financial institutions.

Refinancing your student loans can be a smart move that could give you one loan to pay off rather than multiple, potentially lower the interest rate on your loan, and ultimately save you money over the long term.

How does student loan refinancing work?

In a nutshell, student loan refinancing begins once a student has graduated college and has begun paying off their loans. Once you have a job, a good credit score, and an overall decent financial situation, you can begin looking into refinancing your loans.

The process all begins with comparing lenders and seeing what rates and terms you can receive. This can be done directly with the lenders, or by using a loan comparison website.

Each lender has its own requirements for refinancing, so you’ll notice the rates you will be offered are likely to vary widely.

Once you have selected a lender, your previous loans will actually be paid off and you will be given a single new loan with the agreed-upon terms. From here, you will have one monthly payment to be made to your new lender.

When should I consider refinancing a student loan?

While refinancing a student loan is often a personal decision, the majority of the time it comes down to whether you can receive better terms (interest rates, payment periods, etc.) than you currently have with your student loans.

Let’s say you have a current student loan that has a 10% interest rate. If you can refinance your loan with a new lender that is offering a 5% interest rate, it’s likely to be a smart decision. That 5% interest saved over the lifetime of the loan will end up saving you a significant amount of money.

When you are debating whether or not to refinance, remember that you need strong finances to get rates better than what you’re currently paying. This means having a good credit score and decent income. Without these, you may be required to have a cosigner to refinance your loan.

Types of student loans that can be refinanced

There are various types of student loans that can be refinanced. Here are some common types:

  1. Federal Student Loans: Federal student loans, such as Direct Subsidized Loans, Direct Unsubsidized Loans, and PLUS Loans, can be refinanced through private lenders. However, it's important to note that refinancing federal loans with a private lender means losing federal loan benefits like income-driven repayment plans, loan forgiveness options, and deferment or forbearance programs.
  2. Private Student Loans: Private student loans, which are obtained from banks, credit unions, or online lenders, can be refinanced. Refinancing private loans allows borrowers to potentially secure a lower interest rate or change the repayment terms to better suit their financial situation.
  3. Parent PLUS Loans: Parent PLUS Loans, which are federal loans taken out by parents to fund their child's education, can also be refinanced. Refinancing Parent PLUS Loans allows parents to potentially obtain a lower interest rate and manage their loan repayment more effectively.
  4. Graduate Student Loans: Graduate student loans, including Grad PLUS Loans and private loans taken out for graduate studies, can be refinanced. Refinancing graduate student loans can help borrowers secure a better interest rate or adjust the repayment terms based on their financial goals.
  5. Health Professions Student Loans: Loans specifically designed for health professions, such as medical school loans or dental school loans, can also be refinanced. Refinancing these loans can provide professionals in the healthcare field with more favorable repayment options.

Pros and cons of refinancing student loans

There is a lot to think about when it comes to refinancing your student loans, so let’s go over the pros and cons.


  • Lower Interest Rate - Quite often the main goal of refinancing your loans is to lower your interest rate. With a decent income and good credit score, this will often be the result.
  • Simplify Your Loans - Having multiple student loans can be hard to juggle. Consolidating all of your loans into one single loan will make balancing your finances much easier.
  • Pay Your Loans Quicker - If you have a lower interest rate, you can put more money towards the principal of your loan, paying them off quicker.


  • Loss of Federal Benefits - If you decide to refinance your federal loans through a private lender, you will lose the federal benefits attached to your loan.
  • Potential to pay more money - If your refinance involves changing from a 10-year repayment to a 30 year, there is a chance you will end up paying more money due to interest.
  • Sometimes High Financial Requirements - If you don’t have the income or credit score required by the lender, you may not be able to refinance.

Top 10 tips to refinancing your student loans

Here are the top 10 tips to keep in mind when refinancing student loans:

  1. Review your financial goals: Before refinancing, clarify your financial goals. Determine whether you want to lower monthly payments, reduce interest costs, shorten the repayment term, or achieve other objectives.
  2. Improve your credit score: A higher credit score can help you secure better refinancing terms. Take steps to improve your credit by paying bills on time, reducing debt, and correcting any errors on your credit report.
  3. Shop around and compare lenders: Don't settle for the first refinancing offer you receive. Research and compare multiple lenders to find the one that offers the most favorable interest rates, terms, and benefits.
  4. Consider fixed vs. variable rates: Decide whether you prefer a fixed interest rate that remains constant throughout the loan term or a variable rate that may change over time. Assess your risk tolerance and future interest rate expectations to make an informed decision.
  5. Calculate the total cost: Evaluate the overall cost of refinancing, including fees, origination charges, and any potential penalties for prepayment or late payments. Compare the total cost across different lenders to choose the most cost-effective option.
  6. Check for borrower benefits: Some lenders offer borrower benefits, such as interest rate discounts for autopay or loyalty programs. Take these benefits into account when comparing loan offers.
  7. Explore cosigner options: If you have a limited credit history or low income, consider applying with a creditworthy cosigner. A cosigner can increase your chances of approval and potentially secure better loan terms.
  8. Assess repayment options: Understand the repayment options offered by the refinancing lender. Consider whether they align with your financial situation and offer flexibility if needed in the future.
  9. Read the fine print: Carefully review the terms and conditions of the refinancing agreement before signing. Look for any hidden fees, variable rate adjustment terms, or repayment terms that may affect your financial stability.
  10. Consider the loss of federal benefits: If you're refinancing federal student loans, be aware that you'll lose federal benefits such as income-driven repayment plans and loan forgiveness options. Weigh the pros and cons before refinancing federal loans.

Is refinancing student loans a good idea?

Refinancing can be a smart move if you can obtain a lower interest rate. However, it's important to consider your income and credit score. If your financial situation doesn't meet the requirements for a better rate, refinancing may not be beneficial.

In such cases, the primary motivation for refinancing may be to simplify loan repayment by consolidating multiple loans into one. While this can streamline your finances, it won't necessarily save you money in the long run.

To determine if refinancing is worth it, it's crucial to shop around and compare offers from different lenders. Explore the potential benefits they provide and assess whether the overall cost and terms of the refinanced loan align with your goals and financial circumstances.

Remember, refinancing is a personal decision, and it's essential to evaluate the potential benefits and drawbacks based on your individual situation before proceeding.

What is the cost of refinancing a student loan?

The cost of refinancing a student loan can vary depending on the lender and the terms of the refinancing agreement. Here are some common costs associated with refinancing:

  1. Origination Fees: Some lenders charge an origination fee when you refinance your loan. This fee is typically a percentage of the total loan amount. It's important to factor in origination fees when comparing loan offers.
  2. Application or Processing Fees: Certain lenders may require you to pay an application or processing fee to initiate the refinancing process. These fees can vary in amount and may or may not be refundable.
  3. Prepayment Penalties: Some loan agreements have prepayment penalties, which are fees charged if you pay off the loan early. Before refinancing, review your existing loan terms to check if there are any prepayment penalties. Ideally, choose a refinancing option that does not impose such penalties.
  4. Interest Rate: The interest rate on your refinanced loan will impact the overall cost of refinancing. Lowering your interest rate can save you money over the life of the loan, while increasing the rate may result in higher overall costs.
  5. Extended Repayment Terms: Extending the repayment term through refinancing may reduce your monthly payments, but it can also result in paying more interest over time. Consider the trade-off between lower monthly payments and the total cost of the loan.
  6. Other Miscellaneous Fees: There may be additional fees associated with refinancing, such as appraisal fees, title search fees, or attorney fees. These costs can vary depending on the lender and the specific refinancing transaction.

How much can you save by refinancing student loans?

The amount you can save by refinancing student loans varies depending on several factors, including the interest rates of your current loans, the interest rates offered by refinancing lenders, the remaining loan term, and the total loan balance. Here are some potential ways refinancing can lead to savings:

  1. Lower Interest Rates: If you can secure a lower interest rate through refinancing, you can save money on interest charges over the life of the loan. Even a small reduction in interest rate can add up to significant savings, particularly if you have a large loan balance or a long repayment term.
  2. Consolidating Higher Interest Loans: If you have multiple loans with varying interest rates, refinancing allows you to consolidate them into a single loan with a potentially lower average interest rate. This simplifies repayment and can save you money on interest payments.
  3. Shorter Repayment Term: Refinancing to a shorter repayment term may increase your monthly payments, but it can result in substantial interest savings. By paying off the loan sooner, you reduce the overall interest that accrues.
  4. Improved Financial Profile: If your credit score or financial situation has improved since you initially borrowed, you may be eligible for better refinancing terms. This can include lower interest rates, which can lead to significant savings over time.
  5. Adjusting Repayment Options: Refinancing gives you the opportunity to choose different repayment options that suit your financial goals and circumstances. For example, you may opt for an income-based repayment plan that reduces your monthly payments, providing more financial flexibility.

Does refinancing student loans hurt your credit score?

Refinancing student loans can have both positive and negative impacts on your credit score. Here's a breakdown of how refinancing may affect your credit:

  1. Credit Inquiry: When you apply for a student loan refinancing, the lender will typically conduct a hard credit inquiry, which can temporarily lower your credit score by a few points. However, the impact is usually minimal, and your score should recover within a few months.
  2. Debt-to-Income Ratio: Refinancing can potentially improve your debt-to-income ratio if you obtain a lower interest rate or extend the repayment term. A lower ratio indicates better financial health, which can positively affect your credit score.
  3. Payment History: Making timely payments on your refinanced loan is crucial for maintaining a positive credit history. Consistently paying your loan installments on time will help boost your credit score over time.
  4. Closed Accounts: Refinancing involves paying off your existing loans and opening a new loan account. The closure of old loan accounts can impact the length of your credit history, which is a factor in credit scoring models. If you have a long and positive credit history with your old loans, closing them could have a slight negative impact on your credit score.
  5. Credit Utilization: Refinancing does not directly affect your credit utilization ratio, which is the amount of credit you are currently using compared to your total available credit. However, if you pay off a significant amount of debt through refinancing, your credit utilization ratio may improve, positively impacting your credit score.

Can I refinance a student loan with bad credit?

Refinancing a student loan with bad credit can be challenging, but it's not impossible. While having bad credit may limit your options and make it more difficult to qualify for favorable terms, there are still some potential avenues to explore. Here are a few options to consider:

  1. Improve Your Credit Score: Before attempting to refinance, take steps to improve your credit score. Make timely payments on your existing debts, reduce credit card balances, and address any negative items on your credit report. Gradually improving your creditworthiness can increase your chances of getting approved for refinancing.
  2. Find a Cosigner: Having a creditworthy cosigner, such as a family member or close friend, can strengthen your refinancing application. The cosigner's good credit can offset your bad credit, potentially helping you secure a better interest rate and loan terms.
  3. Research Lenders that Consider Bad Credit: Some lenders specialize in refinancing student loans for borrowers with less-than-perfect credit. These lenders may have more flexible eligibility requirements and consider factors beyond just credit scores, such as income and employment history. Explore and compare the offerings of such lenders to find the best fit for your situation.
  4. Build a Stable Income: Demonstrating a stable and sufficient income can help compensate for a lower credit score. Lenders may be more willing to work with you if you can show a consistent source of income that allows you to comfortably manage your loan payments.
  5. Consider Nontraditional Refinancing Options: Investigate alternative refinancing options, such as peer-to-peer lending platforms or credit unions, which may have more lenient requirements compared to traditional lenders. These alternatives often consider other factors beyond credit scores when evaluating loan applications.

How does refinancing student loans affect taxes?

Refinancing student loans is not likely to affect your taxes. If it does at all, it will actually reduce the amount you can deduct.

Each person can deduct up to $2,500 for student loan interest per year. If by refinancing, you end up paying less interest, you may not be able to maximize your deduction.

With that said, in that scenario, you will likely be paying less on your loan so it is likely you would still come out ahead.

How to refinance your student loans

To refinance your student loans, follow these concrete steps:

  1. Assess Your Current Loans: Gather all the details of your existing student loans, including interest rates, loan balances, and repayment terms. This information will help you compare offers from refinancing lenders.
  2. Research Lenders: Research and compare multiple refinancing lenders. Look for reputable lenders that offer competitive interest rates, flexible repayment options, and favorable terms. Consider factors like customer reviews, customer service, and any additional benefits or perks.
  3. Check Eligibility Criteria: Review the eligibility criteria of each refinancing lender. Consider factors such as minimum credit score requirements, income requirements, and whether they refinance the specific type of loans you have (federal, private, etc.).
  4. Get Rate Quotes: Request rate quotes from the lenders you are interested in. Most lenders provide online forms or tools to get pre-qualified and receive personalized rate estimates. Provide accurate information to get the most accurate quotes.
  5. Compare Loan Offers: Compare the interest rates, repayment terms, and other terms and conditions offered by different lenders. Pay attention to any origination fees, prepayment penalties, or other potential costs associated with refinancing.
  6. Choose a Lender: Based on your research and the loan offers you've received, select the lender that offers the most favorable terms for your needs. Consider factors like interest rate, repayment term, customer service, and overall cost.
  7. Complete the Application: Once you've chosen a lender, complete the application process. Provide the required documents, such as proof of income, identification, and loan statements. Be thorough and accurate to avoid delays in the approval process.
  8. Review the Loan Agreement: Carefully review the loan agreement before signing. Understand the terms, including interest rate, repayment schedule, and any fees or penalties. If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to the lender for clarification.
  9. Pay Off Existing Loans: Once your refinancing loan is approved and funded, use the funds to pay off your existing loans in full. Follow the instructions provided by the lender to ensure the smooth transition of your loans.
  10. Start Repayment: Begin making payments according to the new loan terms. Set up automatic payments if available to avoid any late payments. Keep track of your loan balance and make timely payments to stay on track and improve your credit.

Compare Private Student Loans in Minutes

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Undergraduate Student Loans

Private Undergraduate Student Loans

Graduate Student Loans

Graduate Student Loans
Medical School Loans
MBA Loans
Dental School Loans
Health Professions Student Loans
Law School Loans
Bar Study & Exam Loans

Student Loans By Amount

$10,000 Student Loans
$25,000 Student Loans
$50,000 Student Loans
$100,000 Student Loans
$150,000 Student Loans

Loan rate & terms disclosure: Prequalified rates are based on the information you provide and a soft credit inquiry. Receiving prequalified rates does not guarantee that the Lender will extend you an offer of credit. You are not yet approved for a loan or a specific rate. All credit decisions, including loan approval, if any, are determined by Lenders, in their sole discretion. Rates and terms are subject to change without notice. Rates from Lenders may differ from prequalified rates due to factors which may include, but are not limited to: (i) changes in your personal credit circumstances; (ii) additional information in your hard credit pull and/or additional information you provide (or are unable to provide) to the Lender during the underwriting process; and/or (iii) changes in APRs (e.g., an increase in the rate index between the time of prequalification and the time of application or loan closing. (Or, if the loan option is a variable rate loan, then the interest rate index used to set the APR is subject to increases or decreases at any time). Lenders reserve the right to change or withdraw the prequalified rates at any time.

Requesting prequalified rates on Credible is free and doesn't affect your credit score. However, applying for or closing a loan will involve a hard credit pull that impacts your credit score and closing a loan will result in costs to you.